
Presented by Mix 99.9

Sunnyside Park, Toronto,Ontario

September 2, 2002

The boys were so popular the first time they played at Beachfest that the Mix asked them to come and do it again! This time, the boys played practically right in my backyard! At the time of this show, I lived very close to the West Beaches were the show took place. It was very exciting.

I got to see this show with many of my good friends. Five of them were Newfoundlanders! We sat in the beer tent all day, so my pictures are not so great, even with a zoom lense. The day was hot, the beer was not so good, but the music was great! A good time was had by all.

Stardust Ball, 1997 | Festival of Friends | BeachFest, 1997
Brock University | Congress Center | 9 O'Clock Show | The Tralf, Buffalo
Stardust Ball, 1999 | Aquafest 2000 | BeachFest 2002
The Phoenix Concert Theatre